Bednars 8
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Archives for December 2008
setting home-storage priorities
Merry Christmas!
everyday security
New Year, New Progress
dehydrating foods at home
freeze-dried foods
bottled butter
three-month supply goal
seed shelf-life
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Iron Chef: Food-Storage Style
Do you ever buy a food storage item for your family only to find out that it is a complete "miss" and no one will even touch it? ...
strawberry syrup
I made 9 pints of strawberry syrup last night. I still have 8 pounds of strawberries on my fridge waiting for a second batch. My 11-year old...
goal 4(b) - gather grains for longer-term storage
Our current goal is gathering our longer-term storage. Specifically - Store Grains. Grains are one of two main products that The Church of ...
Elder Bednar's Remarks on Food Storage
Not much was said during the October sessions of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints' General Conference on Food Storage. ...
Basic Principles of Welfare and Self-Reliance
Last February, I attended a training meeting specifically geared for LDS church leadership. We learned all about self-reliance and welfare p...
Toilet Troubles (first of two parts)
A portaloo decorated by residents in the suburb of Sumner in Christchurch. Photo / Getty Images Yesterday I read an article by David Fisher ...
Once again, we've been sick with the stomach flu. And once again, we were glad for our food storage. The lessons that I learned during t...
wishing for chicken noodle soup
I'm not sure if we've had H1N1 flu or not. The doctor didn't do the test - said that he wouldn't treat it any differently re...
New Year's Resolution
FEMA has a new media spot encouraging everyone to make a 2012 New Year's Resolution to be prepared. This past year we've seen the ne...
packing and storing
When it comes to keeping your longer-term storage -- well, long-term, you'll have four main enemies: moisture, heat, light, and pests (...
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