Sanitizer does not replace the need for a good hand washing with soap and water. Soil, blood and fecal contamination are not eliminated by sanitizer. Sanitizer should be used to supplement, not replace soap and water.
Sanitizer A
- 4 cups 70% rubbing alcohol
- 4 teaspoons of glycerin or other moisturizer like aloe vera (available at health food stores). 3
Sanitizer B
- 98% alcohol
- 2% glycerin 4
Sanitizer C (Recipe from Utah Preppers - 63% alcohol. They include pictures.)
- 5 cups 91% Isopropyl Alcohol
- 2 cups 100% pure Aloe Gel
- Essential oil drops can be added for scent. 5
1 - New York Times
2 - CDC
3 - Bird Flu
5 - Utah Preppers
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