Sorry about the multiple posts teasing this topic. We've continued to be sick and busy.
Recently I read stories from several individuals who lived off their food storage either out of necessity or as experiments. The surprise? They all felt like their food storage was very bland. They missed things like ketchup and spices. They also missed fresh fruits and vegetables, eggs, and butter.
It's worth a little time to consider how you can add these items to your home storage. Eggs and butter are difficult and expensive to store. They also require fairly regular rotation. But ketchup, sauces and spices are all easy to store with some-what lengthy shelf lives. A garden can help you supply your home storage with those fresh fruits and veggies.
Here are two links with personal experiences:
Lessons I've Learned While Living on our Food Storage for the Last Two Years (Deseret Saints Magaine, Brandy Simper, July 2009)
Has anyone had to live off their preparedness supplies? (Pinching Your Pennies, various authors, February 2009)
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