Ward Food Storage Specialists
Main Objective: Teach and assist families to become self-reliant in home storage.
Current Focus: Make a renewed effort at the ward level to help every family gather a three-month supply.
"President Hinckley clearly recognized that change and adaptation are needed so that all of us might benefit from the Lord’s inspired program." (Evelyn Jeffries, Family Home Storage, A New Message, Ensign, March 2009)
"This new approach asks us to do the best we can, even if all we can do is to set aside a can or two each week. If the prophet asks us to do something, we can find a way to fulfill the commandment and receive the blessings." (Dennis Lifferth, managing director of Church Welfare Services)
"This new program is within everyone’s grasp. The first step is to BEGIN. The second is to CONTINUE. It doesn’t matter how fast we get there so much as that we begin and continue according to our abilities." (Bishop H. David Burton)
Some possible tools that can help you accomplish this within your wards:
1. Work with your Bishopric. Seek and follow their direction.
2. Reach out specifically to the 80% of your ward that have NO storage.
3. Simplify. Make things as simple, understandable, and accessible as possible.
4. Emphasize storing foods that are already a part of each family’s "normal, daily diet" (Safely Gathered In)
5. Gain personal experience by making a plan for your own family to gather your three-month supply.
6. Meet with individuals or small groups in your ward (those who don’t already have a three-month supply) and assist them in developing a personal plan for gathering a three-month supply. The Three-Month Supply worksheet can be used as a tool to develop plans.
7. Have blank copies of the worksheet available so that families can make additional copies for future use if desired.
8. Enlist the help of Visiting Teachers and/or Home Teachers when working with inactive members. They might be able to take the message and worksheet to these families with greater success.
9. Remind and encourage each member to gather a one-week supply. Then encourage them to expand their storage to three-months as soon as they are able.
10. Use announcements in ward bulletins, ward newsletters, and in ward auxiliaries to inspire, remind, and motivate.
11. Be a broken record in reminding members about the importance of getting a three-month supply.
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