These additional items can be a great boost to the grains and beans that you've already stored as the core of your longer-term storage. By storing items in these six additional categories, you gain flavor, nutrition, and flexibility for your longer-term storage meals. All of these items can be stored in ideal conditions for up to 30 years except for the oils and vitamin c products. We'll be covering each of these six items in the posts over the next few days. Most of these items are available at your local Home Storage Center.
Remember that the main goal for longer-term storage is storing grains and beans that will keep you alive in case you don't have anything else to eat.2 These items are optional - so don't be overwhelmed, thinking that you HAVE to store these. Longer-term storage is intended to be expanded gradually depending on your needs and circumstances.2
1 - Product Recommendations - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
2 - Two Cans of Corn: Home Storage for Newlyweds (Allie Schulte, Welfare Services, Ensign, September 2009, pages 66-69)
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