Here are some highlights:
"When Ron Shiflet's wedding was about a month away, he received some unexpected advice from his bishop, who encouraged him to begin storing food. The bishop explained that there was a simple an inexpensive way for his small family to succeed in home storage -- even as poor college students.
"He told me to watch what was on sale each week. When we went shopping, we were to buy a couple of extra cans of food," Ron explains. "He said the expense was so small that we would not notice it, but that over time our food storage would add up."
Following their wedding, Ron shared the advice he had received with his wife, Lorene, and the couple decided to give it a try. On their first shopping trip together, they purchased their regular groceries and two cans of corn, which they stored in the closet of their one-room apartment. "Those two cans became a good source of humor for us," Ron says. " Each week the joke continued as we added two more cans."
They soon discovered that their home storage was not a laughing matter, when six months later, Ron found himself without a job -- and without money for food. He and Lorene relied on the supply in the closet to sustain t hem, and they immediately recognized the blessings of the principle of preparation.
Now more than 20 years later, Ron says it's a principle that has blessed his family in numerous ways. "I am thankful for an inspired bishop who counseled us from the beginning to save food -- and who showed us how to do it even with little money," he recalls. "It has protected us many times."
1) Begin Now - "Couples can enjoy the blessings of choosing to obey the counsel of Church leaders and doing what they can to begin a home storage program now."
2) Start Small - "By regularly purchasing a few extra items they would normally eat, couples can rotate their home storage into meals so that nothing is wasted. They should also store some water that is safe to drink."
3) Use Your Space - ". . . couples have discovered that if they look at their living situation and use a little creativity, they can find the space necessary for home storage."
4) Save More Than Just Food - "Like storing food, saving money is a gradual process. Couples can being building their reserve by paying their tithes, giving a generous fast offering, and setting aside a small amount of money each (or month) for savings."
5) Increase Your Supply - "Increasing home storage may take some time, so couples should not become discouraged or try to do everything at once. Instead, they can make a goal to gradually build a longer-term food supply, depending on their needs and circumstances."
6) Gain a Testimony - "[Heavenly Father] has lovingly commanded us to 'prepared every needful thing' (D&C 109:8) so that, should adversity come, we may care for ourselves and our neighbors and support bishops as they care for others. Some Church members may think it might be difficult to apply the principle of preparing for adversity by establishing a home storage supply. But . . . obedience to the commandments can bring great blessings to families and individuals."
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